Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Please don't melt!

Todays' post comes from Allison of Cupcake Mama.

As a baker, one thing I've been dealing with all summer is the heat! An outdoor wedding + buttercream can be a recipe for disaster. If you have ordered a buttercream cake or cupcakes and your reception is outside, talk to your baker. At Cupcake Mama, I am always in direct contact with my wedding couples, the venue, the caterer, to make sure your cupcakes are in tip-top condition on your wedding day. Most often, it's just a matter of creative coordination such as setting up the display while dinner is being served. Your baker should be willing to work with you, after all, it's your wedding day-don't be afraid to ask!

Photo credit to Urban Edge Photography. Copyright Cupcake Mama 2008.